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AYW Consulting

AYW首席会计师Allen应邀于台湾参加讲座 Allen Joined the Commercial Seminar in Taiwan


AYW's Chief Executive Officer, Allen, visited Taiwan in May and November 2023. He delivered speeches on commercial seminars, attended our partner's promotional activity, and had in-depth communication with local investors who had real estate investment in Australia.


Looking back on this journey, we have achieved the following milestones:

  • Allen受邀出席了合作伙伴利安环球物业的商业讲座,向来宾介绍了持有和出售澳洲房产所涉及的税务种类、成本收益与会计核算、优化税务结构的方式方法,包括置入资产前的选择、持有期间的注意事项,以及出售后涉及的退款退税。

  • Allen was invited to attend the business seminar hosted by Raeon International. He introduced investor's main tax duties, analysed the gain and cost of investment, and illustrated the considerations related to holding and selling Australian properties.

  • Allen受邀约见了一些本地投资者,交流后向投资者解答了近期发生在澳洲各州的税务调整及潜在影响、如何通过税务规划提高收益、海外投资如何避免信誉风险和罚金等问题。

  • Allen met with local investors. Allen explained to them about most recent tax adjustments in Australia and potential impacts. Additionally, Allen shared insights on tax planning and brought up the concern of penalty and credits record for non-compliance behaviour in Australia.

  • Allen还参加了诸多商业伙伴的线下会晤。通过和各行业(海外投资、置产、移民、教育、法务等)管理者的深入交流,了解具体客户群体的税务需求并决定和多方展开合作,以达到完善服务环节、扩展跨业交流的目的。

  • Allen also participated in numerous offline meetings with our business partners. Through in-depth discussions with managers from various industries (overseas investments, property placement, immigration, education, legal, etc.), he obtained the insights into the tax needs of specific customer groups.

AYW作为澳洲本土企业,通过与各商业伙伴的紧密合作,致力于为海外客户提供最舒适、全面、具有针对性的服务。我们很荣幸在过去的十余年间不断收到来自客户与合作商的肯定,我们同时也看好未来相关行业的发展,并秉承专业精神与我们的客户一并前行。 As an Australian local business, AYW Consulting is dedicated to providing the most comprehensive and tailored services for oversea clients through our close collaboration with professional and experts in other areas. We are honoured to gain trust from our clients and aim at providing the best tax services to achieve the best result.

AYW的活动宣传页 Flyer for Commercial Seminar

活动现场 Speech

合作方留影 Group Photo


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