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AYW Consulting

AYW首席会计师Allen出席Discover Australia展会并发表演讲 Allen Delivered Speech on Discover Australia Conference

Updated: Feb 2

2024新年伊始,AYW首席会计师Allen来到马来西亚吉隆坡,受邀参加了Discover Australia展会。此次展会面向众多海外投资者,向投资者们介绍澳洲投资环境与机遇。

At the beginning of the new year, Allen, the Chief Executive Officer of AYW Consulting, traveled to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where he was invited to participate in the Discover Australia Conference. This conference targeted numerous overseas investors, aiming to introduce them to the investment environment and opportunities in Australia.

其中,Allen代表AYW Consulting向来宾重点讲解了澳洲税务环境和投资房产对税务的影响,其中包括:

During the event, Allen, representing AYW Consulting, specifically explained the Australian tax environment and the impact of real estate investments on taxation, which involves:


At this conference, AYW joined hands with experts from the education, real estate, and legal industries. We would like to express our gratitude to following our valuable business partners:

  • IDP教育集团(IDP Education Malaysia)

  • Gamuda地产集团 (Gamuda Australia)

  • HTH律师事务所 (HTH Laywers Australia)

本次展会主办与参讲人 The Sponsors and Presenters

吉隆坡商业中心 Kuala Lumpur City Centre

交流会现场 Conference Venue

合作会谈晚宴 Banquet


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